Thursday, October 31, 2019
Design an evaluation scheme for the Heart of Hackney regeneration Essay
Design an evaluation scheme for the Heart of Hackney regeneration project - Essay Example Hackney becomes a prime business location targeting a low carbon economy and innovative high value manufacturing (Hackney, 2010). It also believed that the developments in the housing stock, schools and public realm make Hackney an attractive location to live in, visit and work at. This paper will proceed to provide an evaluation scheme for the Heart of Hackney regeneration project. The Heart of Hackney regeneration project is a major undertaking not only for the borough but as a national initiative to address urban degradation. The 2012 Summer Olympics became a good excuse to prioritize East London as problems about urban sprawl become international in significance due to global warming and growing integration of cultures. In addressing the objectives and implicit theory of change by the Heart of hackney regeneration project, it is imperative to dig through its economic goals, the underlying factor for all growth aspirations. In the consultation draft (Hackney, 2010), the Hackney Council set the Economic Development Strategy. It acknowledged the opportunity that the borough has at the moment which it also needs to seize in order to fit as â€Å"an engine for London’s renewed economic growth,†(Hackney 2010, p 2). In general, the EDS objective is to help shape the local economic direction in order to provide long-term prosperity for the residents. The Council acknowledged that despite the recent employment growth in Hackney placing it just one percent below the London average did not spell the ideal as the borough still is considered the second most deprived in England due to long-term unemployment. Specifically, the program is currently focused on its Ways into Work program. A mentioned in the report, Hackney is providing interventions to out-of-school youths and unemployed individuals in the form of volunteerism, training, temporary employment, and other means to
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Professional relationships with children Essay Example for Free
Professional relationships with children Essay Describe how to establish respectful, professional relationships with adults. The support which you will need to give other adults will be on several levels which can be remembered with the acronym PIPE. Practical: you may be working with others who are unfamiliar with the classroom or school surroundings who need help or advice finding equipment or resources. Informative: you may need to give support to people who may not have information about a particular situation, or you may be asked to prepare or write reports on specific students. Professional: you may need to support or help others with things such as planning or you may be asked if others can observe you while working with students. Emotional: it is important to support others through day-to-day events by keeping a sense of humour. The main elements to building relationships with children and adults in any situation are if others are comfortable in your company as they will be more likely to communicate effectively. If people don’t get along or feel uneasy around each other they tend to avoid each other whenever possible and so relationships don’t develop. Positive relationships don’t happen by chance they need to be thought about and ways to develop them need to be considered. The importance of adult relationships as role models for Children and Young People. When working as a professional adult with children and young people you need to remember that you should be a positive role model for the students. This means you have to show them how to relate to and communicate with others at all times through your interactions and relationships with other adults and students, it is also important that they see you behaving professionally and appropriately while in school. You build relationships with other people in school on a daily basis in numerous ways. Children and young people will always respond to positive communication and relationships from adults, this will help them want to be in school and learn more. In some cases parents may not always agree with the schools ethos, this shouldnt be seen as a negative thing, this should be seen as an opportunity for the school and parents to talk and discuss what they believe is est for the student/s. Task 2 – Know how to communicate with children, young people and adults. How communication with children and young people differs across different age ranges and stages of development. Communication can be broken down into 4 different sub categories: Verbal, non-verbal, formal and informal. Depending on age children and young people will require different levels of attention when communicating. Younger children may need more reassurance especially if they have only just started school, which may result in them need more physical contact. As children grow up and become more mature they may need more help when talking through issues or reflecting on their thoughts. You need to remember to adapt vocabulary used and consider repeating what you have said when speaking with younger children to make sure they understand what you have talked about. You need to act more sensitively towards children who have communication difficulties, such as partial hearing, as they will need to take their time and feel comfortable when speaking. Some children may not be nervous when speaking so you will need to change the way in which you communicate to make sure that it suits their individual needs. If they have a speech disorder like a stammer or tourettes which can make it difficult for them, you need to allow them to take their time and not rush them. It is also important to try and not fill in words for them or guess what they are trying to say as this could add to their nervousness and may make their speech disorder worse or make them lose confidence in themselves. Additional training is a good thing to consider to help you be able to communicate effectively with the students. In some cases when children have special educational needs you may have to have additional equipment in order to communicate with each other such as hearing aids and microphones. The main differences between communicating with adults and communicating with children and young people. There can be many similarities when communicating with adults, children and young people, such as always remembering to maintain eye contact, responding to what they have said and treating them with respect. However when communicating with children and young people you also need to think about the relationship with their parent/carer and what that means in a school context. No matter how well you get on with the person you must always remember that they need to see you in a professional way and that your relationship with them will always need to be that way when in school. Whenever you communicate with children and young people you need to make sure your very clear in what you say. They rely on teachers to communicate clearly to them what is expected of them, so that they can communicate well for themselves. You should not use over complicated language which could confuse them or long lists of instructions which can make things difficult for them to grasp. As adults, you need to show children and young people how to get along and communicate with each other positively. You also need to show behaviour that you expect from them. If you can show the students that you value and respect others around you they are more likely to show the same behaviour towards adults and other students. Children copy the adult behaviour around them from an early age regardless of if its positive or negative behaviour being exhibited. By showing respect for each other when communicating with adults or children this will help young children learn and grow up with positive communication skills.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Wretched Of The Earth, Franz Fanon
The Wretched Of The Earth, Franz Fanon Frantz Fanon was a black psychiatrist and author from Martinique who also led a life as a philosopher and revolutionary (Micklin 1). He was from a middle-class family, but soon started supporting very liberal ideas when he personally experienced the abuse of the Martinique people by the French army (at the time, Martinique was a French colony). He spent some time in Lyon for school and even served in the French army. However, he believed that speaking French was a method of accepting French oppression. He wrote a few influential novels, but his most famous novel, The Wretched of the Earth, addressed the abuse of the Algerians by their French colonizers (Micklin 1). Because of its controversy, France eventually banned the book (Ehrenreich 1). Although the novel mainly deals with the struggle of colonized countries in the hands of their European colonizers, it also focuses on how ideology is spread, the effects of imperialism and nationalism, racism, and particularly the role of violen ce in the problem and solution. This book was especially interesting because of its strong style. At first, it seemed that it would be difficult to sympathize with anything in the novel, since it is advertised as a very radical book. But Fanons blunt, passionate words sound so natural and honest that it is almost as if Fanon is lecturing this book from a podium. This is probably because he actually dictated this novel from his deathbed, while he was dying from leukemia (Micklin 1). Fanon wrote this novel so that is has no plot or characters. Instead, he refers to only the colonists and the colonized as the two main opposing forces. He gives some examples of these, most of which are about French Algeria (the French were the colonists and the Algerians were the colonized), since he had seen this occur firsthand. This leads to another reason as to why the book is so effective. Fanon is not speaking from an unbiased perspective. He is putting himself in the place of the colonized, repetitively stating things like the W est wants to condemn us, letting the reader know that the situation has affected him too (57). In addition, this illustrates how passionate he is about the subject since it is personal for him. He also gains credibility and his audience is more likely to listen to him and trust him. Fanon splits this book into five main sections-the first, and perhaps most unforgettable, is called On Violence. In this portion of the text, Fanon basically labels the entire act of colonizing as an act of violence. First of all, the colonists commit violence against the colonized. And in return, the colonized respond with violence. However, the colonists are truly violent. Fanon claims that the work of the colonist is to make even dreams of liberty impossible for the colonized (50). The colonized are only violent in response because that is what it expected of them and it unifies the people (51). This is the only way for them to decolonize and maybe one day reach their goal-according to Fanon-of eventually being the colonists (16). So even though Fanon criticizes colonization as a cycle of violence, he advocates violence as the only solution for colonized to take. The second part of the novel, Grandeur and Weakness of Spontaneity, deals a lot with nationalist parties and the general distrust of rural masses. Fanon discusses the lumpenproletariat, which is the group of people below the working class (81). These people are criminals, prostitutes, homeless people, and anyone who does not fit into the working class. They are crucial for revolutions because they were typically not modernized or educated and probably were not fully integrated into the newly introduced colonial society. Therefore, they would not be oppressed by accepting the new language and culture and would be more willing to take action. So Fanon rallies them to take revolt, as they are probably the most likely to succeed. This is interesting though because if he really is trying to rally the lumpenproletariat, this is a very weak way. The literary rate of the lumpenproletariat probably would not have been very high since they were mostly uneducated. This is only made worse by the fact that this book is particularly difficult to read and understand. So how would the lumpenproletariat be able to read Fanons message (unless they had it tediously dictated to them)? The third section, The Trials and Tribulations of National Consciousness, focuses on racism. Because Frantz Fanon was black, much of his writing is focused on the plights of Africans and their struggles under European rule. But although he focuses on this particular group of people, it is reasonable to assume that his analyses could be extended to most other colonies. Europe, after all, has colonies all across the world and not just in Africa. Another important point Fanon makes in this section is that the behavior of the national bourgeoisie of certain underdeveloped countries is reminiscent of members of a gang who, after every holdup, hide their share from their accomplices and wisely prepare for retirement (118). This is interesting since Fanon obviously portrays the bourgeoisie as the savages as opposed to the less educated, working class. He assumes that their desperation means that their success is short-lived and because of the lack of stable government and political leaders, the army becomes necessary as an arbiter. This continues the cycle of violence just as Fanon mentioned in the first section. In the final section, Colonial War and Mental Disorders, Fanon claims that because of the systematized negation of the other, a frenzied determination to deny the other any attribute of humanity, the colonized are forced to ask who am I in reality? (182). When France colonized the Algerians, the Algerians completely lost their individual identities and their culture. The Europeans impose their own culture on them, but they obviously will never become a true European. This fits in interestingly with their determination to overthrow the government. It is a very smart move to remove each colonized citizens identity, because then they are less likely to fight for themselves if they have no idea who they are. This section was also interesting because it examined different cases of mental disorders resulting from colonization. This included the psychological effects on both the Algerians and the Europeans. So even if a European comes across Fanons novel and is not affected by the Algerians problems, perhaps he would feel sympathy for his fellow Europeans. For example there is the European police officer that met one of his Algerian victims at the hospital (194) and the European police officer that was so used to torturing Algerians that he tortures his own family (196). Both find their personal lives highly influenced by their past actions. This also illustrates that war really does affect everyone, even when it doesnt seem like it. Although this book was interesting and provocative to read, Fanon could have improved in a couple of areas. This novel would have been better if it was more fluid and comprehensible. Fanon seems to jump from point to point without much order. This could partly be attributed to the books translation from French. Since Fanon mostly used his own personal experiences and a few primary sources for the novel, it would have been better with a lot more secondary sources comparing the colonization of Algeria to other instances of colonization. Fanon could have described other situations where colonized people revolted and whether they successfully or unsuccessfully decolonized. If he could have found an example where the colonized used violence successfully, that would have helped his argument a lot. In Jean-Paul Sartres introduction to the novel, he states that many do not agree with Fanons support of violence as a solution (xlvi). But Fanon had valid points in his argument. In fact, maybe F anon should have expanded more on his On Violence section because it seems like this is the only section that offers true solutions to the problem. So Fanon does not necessarily go too far when he says the colonized must rise up and revolt with violence. The colonists used violence during their colonization and didnt seem to listen to the colonizeds protests. So that only leaves violence as a logical solution. Even though this novel is very radical, most of Fanons points are understandable; it is easy to imagine how they could apply to many modern situations-anticolonialism, civil rights, and even our current situation in Iraq. It is interesting to think about this in a time when there are not many direct methods of colonialism. Because of this novels exploration of colonial struggles, The Wretched of the Earth has become one of the most famous novels dealing with decolonization.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Black Panthers Essay -- essays research papers
     The Black Panther Party was founded in 1966 by party members Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale in the city of Oakland, California. The party was established to help further the movement for African American liberation, which was growing rapidly throughout the sixties because of the civil rights movement and the work of Malcolm X, and Dr. Martin Luther King. The Party disembodied itself from the non-violence stance of Dr. King and chose to organize around a platform for â€Å"self-defense†, (which later became part of the party’s original name). The party was established to help further the movement for African American liberation, which was growing rapidly throughout the sixties because of the civil rights movement and the work of Malcolm X, and Dr. Martin Luther King. The Party disembodied itself from the non-violence stance of Dr. King and chose to organize around a platform for â€Å"self-defense†, (which later became part of the party’ s original name). As a Marxist-Leninist organization and worked with many white activist organizations(for example, California’s Peace and Freedom Party). The Black Panthers name was derived from The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (or SNCC, pronounced "snick"), while working to register voters in Lowndes county, Alabama. Following the success of the Mississippi Freedom Party, organizers worked to create the Lowndes County Freedom Organization as an independent party. At the time, it was required that all organizational parties have visual emblem for [non-educated] voters. The SNCC contacted a designer in Atlanta for logo. The designer first choice was dove, but the workers of SNCC thought that it was too gentle, so the finally the designer suggested that the organization use the mascot of Clark Atlanta College, The Black Panther. Thus, the Freedom Party). Thus, the Lowndes County Freedom Organization became The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, and soon the parties were founded all across the nation. Many of these parties were unconnected to the SNCC. On April 25, 1967, the first issue of The Black Panther, the party official news organ, [was distributed]. In the following month thereafter, the party launches a march on the California state capital fully armed, in protest of the state’s attempt to band the possession of loaded weapons in public. Bobby Seale proceeded to read a statement of protest; while ... ...tions, and numerous dirty plots. The Black Party eventually fell apart due to the FBI’s systematic attempts to disassemble the party. Due to major financial dilemmas, some members went on to join another group called the Liberation Army, whiles others subdued themselves to enact a pro-peace philosophy, and others were incarcerated (Assata Shakur, Sundiota Acoli, Afeni Shakur). (Wikipedia:The Free Encyclopedia,1997).      On the contrary, even though the old Black Panther Party was actually diminished due to antics by the federal government, a group calling themselves the New Black Panther emerged from the Nation of Islam decades after of the original Black Panthers. A new National Alliance of Black Panthers was formed on July 31, 2004, and is said to be inspired by the grassroots activism of the original organization, but is not related. (Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, 1997). Refrences The Black Panther Party. (1997). Retreived April 11,2005 The USA Archives.(1969). Retreived April 11,2005
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Capitol Lake
The history Of the lake goes all the way back to 1951 , when a dam was built, as well as a concrete passage on 5th Avenue. The initial design was too construct a man-made lake though a dam with underwater mudflats. The dam was finally constructed to help renew a part of Bud Inlet shores that was in deterioration. Many years later in the year of 1997, a team of representatives was formed to study the problems of the lake. In 2009, an endorsement was made for the future of preserving the lake. One issue among Capitol Lake is the sediment that comes and reconciles to he bottom of the lake.Over 35,000 cubic yards a year of sediment travel into the lake a year! This means now that the lake is 21 % smaller than it was when it was created. This small amount of water is turning the lake into a swamp. Since the capacity of water in the Capitol Lake is much smaller than it was before, the temperature in the lake is getting much higher. The shallow waters cause the lake to heat up much quicker. These high temperatures support aquatic weeds to grow in abundance, and put anxiety on the fish and other marine life.Another problem among Capitol Lake is the water quality. Phosphorus and bacteria are both found in the water, posing a negative effect to the lake. The high levels of phosphorus promote the growth of algae. Oxygen is also used up for marine life in the lake, by algae that putrefy. As well as fecal chloroform bacteria are found among the lake, that wash into the lake and can be very harmful to health. Lastly, the lake has invasive species. Eurasian million weeds crowd the shoreline for native plants, reducing populations of native fish and other species.The New Zealand Mutandis is also another invasive species which is taking over the habitat and native snails which depend on food. As you can see Capitol Lake is very polluted and unhealthy. But there are solutions. The Descartes Estuary Restoration Team (DEER) and the Capitol Lake Improvement & Protective Association (CLIP) have both proposed suitable ideas to save the future of Capitol Lake. The first possibility by DEER would be to remove the dam, letting Capitol Lake and the Descartes River to meet and create an estuary, like it was back in the sass.The benefits of an estuary are that it would return everything to a natural presence. An estuary would give the lake and opportunity to flush and purify. It would also result in the temperature of the water to drop, greatly reducing algae population. Removal of the dam would also result in a possibility of the invasive species not surviving as well as young salmon would be able to access the estuary. Water quality would improve, as bacteria would decrease. Lastly, it would show an increase in native wildlife and different recreation.Establishing the estuary would result in over 114 million dollars, and without sediment rearrangements. Further cost details and endowments are still being inquired. The idea by CLIP would be to keep the lake as a lak e, but to dredge and clean it as needed; this would tidy the lake without having to remove the dam. The benefits of keeping the lake, would be hold the lake as one of the â€Å"Jewels of Thornton County as well as a major part of the State Capitol Campus. The lake very much protects the downtown area of Olympia by controlling floods.Opening the dam would result in smelly mudflats, as well as change the Marina and Boating Recreation. Keeping the lake as it is also would prevent an increase of sediment flow into the Bud Inlet. Culpa also believes that keeping the lake would prevent Nitrogen and Phosphorus from accessing the river. The also lake supports the local economy and local events such as Lake Fair, and is a key location for tourism in the Olympia area. Financially, this plan would cost about million dollars over a fifty year period. This includes mainly dredging, renewal of habitat, and dredging.This project would be paid from partnerships and state funding such as the City o f Olympia, Marine and Yacht Club, and Port of Olympia. So as you can see both proposals, have their pros and cons. Based on these two main ideas have researched about, I believe that the Capitol Lake Improvement & Protection Association (CLIP) is the best plan for the future of Capitol Lake. The lake is truly a major icon to Olympia and if an estuary were to open, the beauty and tourist attraction the lake delivers would greatly reduce.For example, if the dam were to be taken away, what would happen o Likelier and other large city events? Traditional events and activities by the lake might not even happen anymore if it becomes an estuary. But most importantly based off scientific evidence, removing the dam, would result in smelly tidal mudflats. Nobody wants a stench that will wander the air every time they go outside. As World War II veteran who grew up in Olympia (who has experienced these mudflats), Dick Seward, explains â€Å"The Mudflats and any water in the area had a stench that I'll never forget.All this pollution is what nearly killed off the Oysters†. So as you can see the smell really isn't pleasing. Creating an estuary would also greatly increase the flow of sediment, and Nitrogen into Bud Inlet, which shouldn't be there. CLIP'S proposal is half the price as well, and will save a lot of money. So who wants an unbearable terrible stench that will fill up the atmosphere? Why should the harmful chemicals be brought up to Bud Inlet and the Descartes River? Why should we risk the future of our economy and one of our main tourist attractions?
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Pride and Prejudice Essay
Pride and Prejudice Essay Pride and Prejudice Essay Pride and Prejudice Essay: the Critical View on the Paper For the first time, I read the book Pride and Prejudice of Jane Austen in 1997. At that moment I didnt know this book considered as the best authors book about love. Today I understand that a lot of modern writers could learn the narration style of Austin and her ability to neglect the unnecessary details in description. The novel Pride and Prejudice is easy, understandable and catchy story, which takes the readers breath away form the first pages. And it is not a big surprise that the literature masterpiece was filmed numerous times. Let us imagine that we got the assignment to write an essay about that artwork. How can we cope with that task? Just follow the recommended steps and everything will be fine. Pride and Prejudice essay: Define the Conception In other words, you think up the purpose of your essay. Remember, that essay requires the purpose identification and the explanation of the topic from various points of view. Backing to Pride and Prejudice essay we can choose the appropriate topic, in the question form. For example, how does the film interpretation differ from the original book?, or, What are the main similarities and differences between the movie and the original book? The topic should be modern, laconic and actual. When you compose the introduction do not forget to put the thesis. Pride and Prejudice essay: Main Body and Topics Description Then you start to describe the main topic. When you ask the question, be ready to answer it with a due argumentation. You present your critical view both on the movie and the book, describe, how the characters from film imitated the characters from the story? Did they fail or succeed in this task? How did the director see and meet the standards of Jane Austens book? What kind of values the author tried to show, and how did it present in the movie? Anyway, show your fantasy and wit, and do not forget to answer all the issues. Pride and Pre judice essay: Outcome In the end of your work, you make a clear conclusion: for instance, you may describe the role of the book and the value of movie for the next generation. Express your last main opinion in order to finalize the article. Do not forget to check your Pride and Prejudice essay up! It will be a shame, if you fail during the examination.
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